31 August, 2006

Ideas etc

Current list of ideas/projects.

  • The Magic Witch...
  • Funeral/attic story
  • Inspiration (what the guy in the bar does for)
  • Alarmed Doors as song lyrics?
  • George vs Buffy fanfic
  • Online Love Agony Uncle story (candidate for NaNoWriMo?)

24 August, 2006

"These Doors are Alarmed"

It always made me smile, the sign on the emergency exit of the local pizza place. It made me smile and helped me make her laugh,

"What are they alarmed about? And what about the windows? Are they concerned, anxious? What do you think?"

A silly joke, born of first, first date nerves, failed to impress with humour, succeeded for effort. She smiled, indulging me,

"I can't tell about the windows but those walls don't care at all."

We both laughed. A silly joke, a small joke perhaps, but our joke. A shared moment that soon became part of us, our history together.

Until 'together' became history too.

- - -

She chooses the same pizza place to tell me. This time she's nervous, this dumping a first for both of us. I turn away in shock, hiding my watering eyes, afraid to look at her. I turn back, away from the hard stare of those uncaring walls, in time to see, through the indifferent windows, her exit from my life.

At least the doors know how I feel.


Hi. I'm Shuggie, but you may also know me as LatePaul.

This is my "Wry Terse" blog. I'm often neither of those things but I needed a title and bad puns was all I could think of.

I already have a "life, stuff, opinions, movie reviews, faith questions" blog, which if you made it here you've probably seen too. This is intended to be where I write stuff I want others to see. And possibly comment on.

Well that's enough guff for now. Back again when I actually write something.